Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Letting Go

Since Charlotte has come into my life, I have been reluctant to be away from her, even for an hour. I have been so blessed by the opportunity to stay home and have not yet had to leave her for any specific occasion. Jeremy and I have been out on 2 dates and I have run to the grocery store once or twice but other than that, we have been inseparable. As the months pass, I am beginning to loosen up a bit and allow her out of my sight more and more. I am even starting to overcome the constant stomach ache that befalls me the second I walk out the door. This is a wonderful, yet difficult growing process for me. I am learning and accepting that other people are not only capable, but exceptional at lovingly caring for my sweet girl. Shocking, I was pretty convinced I was the only one qualified to care for an infant. But, I am loosening my grip on her; on the control I feel I must have over every second of her day. I enjoy seeing her spend time with her daddy and her grandparents. It fills my heart to know that she is forming relationships with her family. I love to see her loved by the people I love. (That's a lot of love!)
On Saturday, Jeremy took her for her first bike ride around the River Trail. I seized my alone time by meeting my dear friend Christa at the Farmer's Market. It was so wonderful to stroll through the vegetables with two free arms. We even went and did some shopping at the mall and enjoyed food court lunch! Charlotte had a wonderful time with her daddy and I had the most peaceful 2 hours to myself. The jury is still out on bike ride.
Tonight, my dad came over and watched Charlotte while I went shopping and out to dinner with Ginger. I got to eat my entire dinner without having to pick a single thing off the floor! It was glorious. And Charlotte and Grandpa had a wonderful time walking through our neighborhood and playing with her toys.
I love my baby girl more than I could fathom. A few hours apart here and there is good for me, and for her. I know as more kids come along I will have no choice but to be less of a control freak. I am taking the time while I have it to ease my way into a more relaxed, less controlling state of mommy-hood.

How do I segue from that to poop? That worked I guess.

Gone are the days of every other week pooping. Charlotte now poops 2-3 a day! I know this is really inappropriate to be discussing on my blog, but remember, this is really my personal journal of raising a baby, and what mother doesn't keep track of pooping patterns?  She has discovered the most effective way to get out of nap early is to fill her diaper! Seriously...EVERY NAP! I am tempted to stop feeding her solids just to get my non-pooping baby back.

I boasted about her incredible rolling abilities a few days ago. Turns out it was a fluke. She has yet to repeat her acrobatic maneuver. I haven't told her that most of her 5 month old friends are rolling circles around her. No need to crush her spirit just yet.

Testing out the new ride

Not so sure about this...

And they're off!


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