Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6 Months

I have been thinking about this post for quite some time now. I often thought to myself, "It will be so weird when she is 6 months old, that is soooo old!" And, alas, here we are... 6 months! Half a year! Really clock, time to slow down a bit...

Here are the 6 month stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz (8th percentile)
Length: 24.5 inches (5th percentile)
Rolling from stomach to back
Starting to show interest in solids (Currently enjoying carrots and sweet potatoes)
Reaching well for toys

Pincher grasp established
Recognizing familiar faces
Saying, "yayaya and dadada"
Sleeping: 6:30 PM-6:30 AM
Naps: 3 per day
Nursing: every 2-3 hours

Isn't God incredible? Sometimes I think about the fact that I single-handedly sustained another human life for 15 months and I am just awe-struck. She went from a single cell to a 13 pound person in less than a year and a half just on the nutrition and support I provided. How lucky are we, as mothers, that we get to experience this relationship?

Here are some other numbers I worked up, just for fun: (All estimates, of course)
Weeks Old: 26
Days Old: 182
Diapers Changed: 1460
Poopy Diapers: 25
Loads of Diapers Washed: 80
Hours Spent Nursing: 728
Trips to the Dr: 5 (all well-baby checks)
Teeth: 0
Clothing: 3-6 months

(I look at those numbers and I can't help but think about Michelle Duggar. Those numbers relate to 6 months, with one baby. Times that by 23 years and 19 babies.)


Naked play time after bath

Ready to show-off how big I am!



Christa said...

Just love how happy she is in all of these! Love that girl :) Too funny that you estimate 25 poopy diapers. We definitely have you beat on that one in only 3 months ;)

Anneliese said...

She is such a cute girl. So bright eyed and happy! :-) I loved what you said about sustaining life for 15 months. I have never thought about that before it is pretty amazing. Also, I was surprised when you estimated only 25 poopy diapers. I have easily changed 100 in 4 months. That is crazy!

Thomas Turner said...

6 Months? Amazing!!

Much love,