Friday, April 22, 2011

A New Perspective

Last week I reported a lack of exciting milestones or accomplishments; Charlotte must have read the blog. This week she has exploded with major accomplishments. Most notably: sitting and rolling! I believe she has a personal coach living in her crib that spends all night teaching her how to do these things so in the morning she can amaze us with her newly acquired skills. One day she couldn't sit or roll, and the next day she could! She has yet to roll from her back to her stomach, but she is a pro at getting from her tummy to her back.  As our Dr. put it, "It's harder to be a turtle than a lion." My thoughts exactly...
Tackling these feats came as a great relief for Jeremy. I told him, per "standards" she should be rolling by 6 months. She made it just in time! Good thing too, he was researching rolling schools and getting ready to sign her up for intensive roll-training. That would have been expensive...
Not much change in the solid food department. I have over the past week offered every delectable fruit and vegetable I can find and she continues to turn her nose. Even the idea of food in her mouth is offensive. I'm throwing in the towel.  If she wants to eat, she can just say so. I can guarantee she won't go to kindergarten exclusively breastfed.  I kid... But really, I'm going to take a break for a few weeks and then try again. No point in trying to force the issue.
I failed as a mother and did not purchase Charlotte an Easter dress. I will go hunting tomorrow, but might be out of luck.  I did get her a basket (well a bucket actually) and am hoping the Easter Bunny comes by to fill it up. I won't tell her if he doesn't. I will send him a strongly worded letter inquiring why my daughter was left out of his circulation and ensuring it doesn't happen again next year.

Happy Easter everyone! 

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