Friday, April 1, 2011

Darlin' Reach Out....Reach Out...

No item in this household is safe. No plate, glass, nose, eyeball, hair, pen, cell phone. The once immobile, unaware infant is actively reaching and grabbing at anything and everything that comes within eye shot of her now voluntarily controlled arms.  What a big change! No longer can my dinner plate be at the edge of the table, no longer can my glass of water sit on the desk. In the mornings, after Charlotte has chatted happily with herself for 15 minutes, I go into her room and find her, arms outstretched with a giant smile on her face. Could a day start any better? 

We were overjoyed to spend last week with our brother and sister-in-law and our incredibly handsome little nephew (who happens to be 2 days younger than Charlotte). Unfortunately they live too far away, and it took 5 months for us to finally get to meet the little guy! We had a blast, and the babies, of course, love each other already! David did his best to teach Charlotte how to roll over, to no avail. Though she was utterly impressed with his gross motor skills. We miss them dearly and are looking forward to our visit this summer. I am so excited for Charlotte to have 2 cousins her same age! I wasn't so lucky, so I had to marry Jer, because he has some pretty great cousins and I needed a few. 

As always, Charlotte continues to brighten our every day. And so has this sunshine. What a welcome and drastic change in weather! We have spent every possible moment outside and I think Charlotte is taking after her sun-loving Mama. 

Also, I finally threw in the point-and-shoot towel and upgraded to a digital SLR. Of course, I have no idea how to use it, but I have a very kind man waiting on an instructional DVD to tell me how. I just couldn't stand to miss one more smile while my camera took 5 seconds to focus. And this baby is way too cute to not have good pictures of her. See...

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