Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ryder Michael:6 Months

A very merry un-birthday to you, sweet boy! Unbelievable, 6 months old already! Why must these baby days fly by so quickly?

Ryder, you are the sweetest, happiest little man. You started smiling at 2 months, and haven't stopped since. You smile at any person that makes eye contact with you.  You eyes are bright blue like dad and sister, but your hair and eyebrows are dark, giving you the most striking smile. And how I love your fluffy hair! You have my square mouth and squinty smile. And the cheeks...oh the kissable cheeks! So far, you seem pretty laid back. You spend the majority of your day in the carrier, tagging along on mom's errands or sister's activities. You are content to watch and learn. It won't be long until you are down there running around with her!

Speaking of mobility: you are proficient at rolling both directions, but still haven't quite figured out how to string the rolls together to get from point A to point B. Just this week I noticed you spinning while on your tummy to try and reach a toy. You can't sit unassisted yet, but you're getting close!

Sleeping. Well, you aren't winning any sleeping awards, but I can't complain too much. You definitely had a hard act to follow. You go to bed around 6:30 PM and sleep until 6:30 or 7 AM. On a "good" night, you will get up to eat somewhere between 1 and 3 and then go right back to sleep. This week, you came down with your first cold/ear infection which led to multiple night wakings. You are starting to feel better, but still eating two times a night. Naps: I thought you were ready to move down to 2 naps a day, but I was WRONG! You do much better on 3, shorter naps. Not my favorite, but you are much happier this way. You usually take three 1-1.5 hour naps a day. Getting you to sleep is a total cinch, in fact, I have never fought with you a single time. But staying asleep, that's a different story. If you wake up too early from your nap, I usually try to pat/rock you back to sleep. Sometimes it works, sometimes no. I can usually tell by the amount of vigor you put behind your arm flapping when you see me come in the room. I finally accepted the fact that your sister won't be giving up her crib anytime soon (and actually read quite a few articles that suggest waiting until 3 anyway, which makes me feel better, of course) so we luckily were able to borrow a crib for you. No more Pack 'n Play!

Eating: I believe in exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, so you haven't had any food yet. We also don't really do baby food, just soft whole food. This week I had you taste applesauce, banana, and avocado. You are completely unimpressed and uninterested. Anytime something is put in your mouth you gag and choke.  And the few attempts at bottle feeding have also been rejected. This is where being a second time mom is helpful for me. I'm not the least bit concerned. You will eat in your own time, and I'm in no rush for you to nurse less. You are pretty consistent with the nursing, every 3 hours. Though it will be nice when you poop less and sleep more :)

16 lbs 13 oz (37%)
25.5 inches (10 %)

So you aren't the biggest baby... Hopefully that height will catch up to you :)

We love you more than we ever dreamed possible and can't imagine our little family without you.

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