Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goodbye Swaddle

I think this is the very last newborn-y thing that has all too quickly disappeared. Ryder is officially done with his swaddle. Around 4 months, I started considering weaning him out of it. That was the age Charlotte was done, so I thought I'd give it a try. Big, fat fail.  So back in the swaddle he went.  Fast forward one month, and his sleeping was spiraling fast. He went from his once-a-night-feeding-in-12-hours to waking up every 2-3 hours to be held (wiggle). So we decided to make the plunge. And the plunge wasn't nearly as bad as I was dreading anticipating. First night was a little rough, up every few hours, but back to sleep pretty easily. Second night=amazing! He went right down, ate once around 3, then back to sleep.  And the rest is history. His night sleeping has been a dream ever since.

Naps is a different animal...

What used to be 3 solid 1.5-2 hour naps has turned into 3 30-45 minute naps (that sometimes extend and extra hour, after a serious battle).  I think one major contributing factor is he is getting ready to move down to 2 naps a day.

I keep telling myself, this is a phase (just like everything is a phase!) and before I know it, he will be taking 2 strong naps a day.

I appreciate perspective. This time around I am soaking up every second (not to say I don't get frustrated at times) but holding my sleepy baby a little extra is a joyful frustration.

Last night, I cried myself to sleep after reading to world's most horrific blog about a family that lost their 3 year old. Love brings so much vulnerability. And tragedy, perspective.  I never need to be reminded to love my children. But being reminded to not sweat the little things is always helpful.

I love their love for each other

First wagon ride!

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