Monday, October 19, 2009

Family Photos

This summer my family was so blessed to all be in the same place at the same time for several days. This has not happened since my wedding two years ago; and needless to say I was generally unavailable to visit with them at that time.

To commemorate this momentous occasion, we hired my cousin, an amazing photographer, to capture the crew. It was a bit of a challenge to get everyone in similar outfits, but we pulled it off and the end result was definitely worth it!

I feel so blessed to have a lot of siblings. Though we don't spend nearly enough time together, when we do, it is a total blast.

Thanks Justine for putting up with our unruly bunch, and thanks for the incredible pictures!

1 comment:

the Wildauers said...

It was a joy! I LOVE your family!! (Especially with the excitement of crazy faces) :)