Skydiving has always intrigued me. If "Drop Zone" is fun, how much more amazing would jumping out of a plane be? Jeremy has known for years how much I wanted to go, but he has always said, "absolutely not!" (He does not share my sentiment that plummeting toward the ground at high speeds is a fun event.) I put it out of my head as best I could, but every time I heard about someone else skydiving, that desire to do it came back. I would beg him to take me, to no avail.
Around rolls my birthday and Jer says to pack a bag, he has a surprise adventure for me. So I pack a bag and we head out. We start down I-5 South and immediately skydiving popped into my head. I asked if I could guess where we were going and he said okay. I said, "Does it have to do with flying things?" I have never seen a more confused look on his face (he is a trained actor after all.) "Flying things?" he says as if he has no idea what I am talking about. "Oh, never mind, I guess I don't know where we are going." I continued to guess and eventually figured out we were going to South Lake Tahoe, one of our favorite overnight getaways. We got there just in time for dinner, had a wonderful night on the town, and headed up to the hotel room. He then tells me, he has one more adventure and we need to leave at about 8:00 in the morning.
The next morning he hands me a birthday card. It says something like this, "If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said you're crazy. If you had asked me 6 months ago I would have said no way, but ask me today what we're doing and you might be very excited!" Inside the card was a picture of people skydiving. As soon as I saw this, I started screaming and jumping around the hotel room (I'm sure our neighbors would have preferred that I open the card in the car.) I was so excited, I couldn't contain myself!
So we hit the road, headed toward Lodi. I think I was smiling the entire 3 hour drive. As we pulled into the parking lot it felt as if it was raining people! The skydivers floating in for a landing pushed my excitement over the edge! I ran into hangar and couldn't wait to get signed up!
Skydiving is a culture unto itself, one I had never experienced. The crowd felt like a mix of gypsies and vagabonds. Crazy clothes, tattoos, piercings, smelly clothing, it was quite a sight to behold! All around the hangar, instructors were busy repacking their chutes, in preparation for their next jump.
We waited outside a bit, watching group after group load into the plane, and a few minutes later, float back to earth. When Dave and Debb arrived, we went to the counter to sign our lives away.
I was not able to convince my friend Jenny to jump, so our group was only 3, Jer, Dave and me. They had us watch a video (which was probably made in the 70's and the volume was so low you couldn't hear a word being spoken). Then you initial a form in a million places saying you won't sue them if you die. After that, they give you a number and tell you to wait until you're called.
I was expecting a long wait, but no sooner did we turn our forms in and go to the bathroom, was it our turn! They bring you to a back room and assign you an instructor. I actually can't remember my instructors name, but he was a nice guy. They get you all hooked in to your harness, most instructors were giving some instructions during this time, but mine was just shooting the breeze with me.
After being hooked in, the whirlwind begins! They shuffle everyone outside, just in time for the plane to pull up. Quickly, you climb into the plane, and just as your butt hits the seat, the plane takes off! What? no pre-flight instructions? Where are the emergency exits? Oh ya, we have parachutes on...
The flight was rather surreal. I kept telling myself I was about to jump out of a plane, but it never quite sunk in. I never once felt scared, but probably the most excited I have ever felt in my entire life. I was the first one in the plane, which meant I was the last one out of the plane. They opened the doors and I saw the first pair jump out..."Here we go!"
My instructor says to me, as we are walking toward the open door, "Hands across your chest and try to kick my butt with your feet." And with that, we jumped!
I tried to convince myself ahead of time that it would not be as fun I had built it up in my head to be; so as to not be disappointed. But that was unnesecary self-talk! It was absolutely the most incredible experience of my life! From the second I jumped out of the plane, to the moment my feet hit the ground, I was beside myself with excitement and enjoyment! The free fall is amazing, it really does feel like you are flying! Then, when the chute opens, everything is calm and quiet. You can't see your instructor or the parachute, it's as if you are floating around in the air all by yourself. I felt euphoric. Maybe heaven will be similar?
I really can't fairly describe how incredible it was, but I would strongly suggest trying it out for yourself! And don't be afraid, you're 20 times more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the place than you are to die skydiving.
To my amazing husband for appeasing your crazy wife and jumping out of a plane with her, THANK YOU! To my father-in-law, who proves to everyone that skydiving is not just for kids, I applaud you! And to all that have always wanted to do it, but just haven't gotten around to it, GO JUMP OUT OF A PLANE!
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