Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Song in her Heart

The Pagan house is resonating with song. Our sweet Charlotte cannot stop singing lately and my heart is exploding.  Her repertoire is expanding daily and currently includes:
Twinkle, Twinkle
Jesus Loves Me
We Will Rock You
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Frosty the Snowman
Jingle Bells

She wakes up singing, spends the entire day singing and goes to bed singing. I have turned into her personal jukebox. "Mama, sing Frosty! Mama, sing Kinkle!"

We were driving home one night and she said, "Mama, you sing ABCD and I'll sing Jesus loves me. Go." And she was serious. She wanted to conduct a round of children's songs on our ride home.

I cannot believe how much of my day I spend laughing at her. Everything she says is hilarious. She dropped a toy and exasperatedly said, "Oooohh goodness!"

She has a huge imagination and is doing really well playing on her own lately. She cooks dinner, goes to Costco with Charlie, and takes extra good care of her babies.

She is incredibly sweet to Ryder, hugging and kissing him all day long. She brings him toys and blankets.  She has never shown even a spark of jealousy. Praise God.

I go to bed each night overwhelmed by the blessing of my children.  I love them and cannot believe how lucky I am to be home with them.

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