Monday, January 23, 2012

That Was Fun! Let's Do It Again!

Hooray! The cat is out of proverbial bag! I can finally update my blog to include our newest family member. That's right, in case you missed it, the Pagan clan is growing!  Baby #2 (lovingly called Booboo2 at the moment) is set to make his/her appearance in about 6 months!

So here's the pregnancy catch-up.

When Charlotte turned 1, Jeremy and I decided to let nature take its course and see if/when Booboo2 would enter our family. After a year of trying for Charlotte and 2 rounds of Clomid, we both agreed it would most likely take a few months.  Wrong.  After one month, I was shocked and elated to see two beautiful blue lines on that stick.

It was the day before Thanksgiving that I got my first positive test.  Being the patient person I am, I tested 5 days before I was supposed to. So, imagine my shock when I saw that faint second line.  Of course, we were both skeptical, considering you had to do some eye gymnastics just to see it. But, in my heart, I knew it was there. Over the next week I continued to burn through my $0.60 tests and anxiously watched as that beautiful second line got darker and darker each day. After over a week of positive tests, Jeremy was finally convinced I was indeed pregnant.

Now, knowing the shocking statistics about early miscarriage, Jeremy and I tend to keep pregnancy news to ourselves until the second trimester. So I had a looooonnnnngggg wait ahead of me.  But, I stayed very distracted with Charlotte and the holidays, and before I knew it, we were heading in for our 12 week ultrasound.

Anxious and excited, I sat in the Dr.'s office waiting for that reassurance.  And that is exactly what I received. Up on the screen pops a beautiful, perfectly healthy, little baby bean.  Dr. gave me a clear bill of health (after last traumatic birth) said everything looks wonderful, and sent us on our merry way.

And merry I was!

I am incredibly blessed to experience next to no pregnancy symptoms. No sickness, nausea, food aversion, etc.  Which, again is a complete blessing, but can lead one to question one's state of pregnancy. "How can there be a person growing inside me and I feel absolutely nothing?"  So until I see that little bean on the screen, it really doesn't feel believable.

Back at Christmas, when I knew I was pregnant, but not ready to announce it, I decided to hold off on our Christmas cards until the news could become public.  So instead, we sent a Valentine's card sharing our excitement. Our spectacular cousin took some adorable pictures of Charlotte for us to use. The cards turned out perfectly and I was so thrilled to send them to all our friends and family.

So, there you have it, first trimester in a nutshell.  Onto bigger (no pun intended) and better things!


amber_mtmc said...

I am SO happy for you! Congratulations to you, Jeremy, and Charlotte!

Unknown said...

So happy for you and your new bundle. So glad that it worked out so quickly. Mine are all close like that too and though it's hard work at first, it's really starting to pay off.