Saturday, June 25, 2011

8 Months

2/3 of the way through our first year together. Let me say the token necessary, obvious things as I reflect on this past 8 months. Charlotte is the sweetest, most joyful soul I have ever met and I love her more than I ever knew possible. It has been so fun to watch her grow and develop. Had to say it, moving on.

Here are her current milestones.
* 2 teeth
* Rolling and sitting well
* No signs of crawling or movement
* Trying hard to get down to 2 naps a day (almost there)
* Nursing every 3-4 hours
* Eating 2-3 meals a day
* Sleeping 8-8
* Laughing all the time
* Says: "Dada" "Mama" "Baba" "Hiiii" "Yaya" "Lala"

I had an epiphany yesterday as I was feeding Charlotte lunch. I filled her tray with strawberries and bananas (two of her favorites) and added a few cereal puffs that were left over from the day before. I sat in awe as I watched my baby scan her tray, find a puff, pinch it and bring it to her mouth. She continued this process, completely avoiding every piece of strawberry and banana, until every puff was gone. She even went as far as to rescue wayward puffs from her lap before contemplating the fruit. The epiphany was this: my baby girl is a person. A real person, with opinions and the ability to make independent decisions. She is capable of thinking through a situation and making a choice. Duh, Kelly. What did you think you birthed? But, up until this event, that fact had simply not crossed my mind. Of course she would choose the sweet, carbo loaded snack over the organic fresh produce. It seems so insignificant. But to me, it was monumental. She is not just an oblivious baby anymore, she's aware and thoughtful. She has opinions, and she has the ability to act on those opinions. Let the fun of parenting begin.
Her most recent development is a fake whine. When she is wanting to voice a complaint, she purses her lips, furrows her brow, and lets out the most pathetic "uh-uh-uh" she can muster. As soon as she gets your attention, she smiles immediately. More signs of her growing ability to form and communicate opinions. Of course, I still find it adorable, but Jeremy is not so sure.
She still shows no signs of separation anxiety or stranger apprehension.  Though she is so infrequently away from me, or around strangers, that this is really a moot point. She will happily be held by anyone and is extremely outgoing and social at the store. Which is why it now takes me an hour to walk through Target.
Another fun milestone that she is quickly approaching is the ability to play with other babies. Last week we had dinner with our best friends Tiffany and Aaron. Their little guy is just about 2 months older than Charlotte. For the first time, they sat on the floor and played together. Their game was an exciting one: pass the same toy back and forth about 100 times. They were happy and interacting, and I almost cried as I sat and watched them. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful community. Charlotte already has more friends than I do.
Playing with my dollies

At the park with my buddy

Let me just feel your eye ball really quickly...

Morning playtime


Play date with my best friend Evelyn 

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