After being gone 10 days, Jeremy and I were happy to start off the week in our own home. However, that joy was quickly squelched by a horrible stomach flu that hit hard Monday night. What we both originally believed to be food poisoning, turned out to be the most brutal and contagious stomach bug either of us has ever experienced: about 36 hours of sheer misery (mind you we only have one functioning bathroom at the moment). Nearly our entire circle of friends fell prey to this nasty thing. By God's grace, Charlotte was spared!
Another saga of the week surrounded the purchasing of a sectional from Costco. We had decided last Thursday to buy a new sectional from Costco. They would not let us purchase it and come back to pick it up; nor would they place one on hold for us. On Thursday, they had 6 of them left. The manager told us they were selling about 1 per week. On Saturday morning, Jeremy arranged to borrow his boss's truck so we could go make our big purchase. We walked into Costco just in time to watch them pack up the floor model. They had sold 4 on Friday and 2 Saturday morning before we got there (at 10:30!). I spent the entire week calling Costco, getting a different story with each new employee I spoke to. "Yes, we will be getting more tomorrow." "No, they are all sold out." "They are on backorder, but will be in later in the week." After a week of run around, we finally decided to borrow a trailer and go get it from Chico. On Friday evening, Jeremy got off work, we hurried down to Cottonwood, hooked up the trailer and headed to Chico. We made it there by 8:00, thirty minutes to spare. Before we left I had called to make sure they still had them in stock; they had 4. When we located the sectional on the floor, my heart sunk as we stared at the empty palate behind the display. This can't be happening... We drove all the way down here and they sold 4 in 3 hours? I located a manager, and with tears welling up in my eyes, explained our plight. I was greatly relieved when he told me they did indeed have one left! So, the sectional drama came to a happy ending! We didn't make it home until midnight, but it was all worth it!
This week has also been an exciting one for Charlotte: she discovered opposable thumbs! She is now intentionally reaching for toys, grabbing them, and bringing them to her mouth! It was amazing how quickly she figured this out! Though still needing much practice, her toy grabbing skills are advancing quite quickly. With this new discovery, she decided that she would much rather have her arms available to her during naps. For this swaddle-happy mama, that was a tough one for me to handle! However, she is now learning how to find her hands during nap and sooth herself back to sleep when she wakes up. She is still as sweet as can be and smiles every waking second of her day.
The final bit of exciting news from this household is: we have baseboards! Jeremy, along with the assistance of his cousin and uncle, installed baseboards throughout the entire house! They look incredible; and they aren't even painted yet! We are one step closer to getting all the furniture moved back! I so appreciate my husband and his hard work! He has given Charlotte and I such a beautiful, comfortable home.
Look what I can do! |
Bath Bunny |
Love my Daddy! |
New baseboards! |
Getting closer! |
Sleeping unswaddled! |
Just great, Kel, thanks! Love to the family.
We're actually considering purchasing a sectional from Costco as well. Glad you blogged about it, as I might reconsider this.
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