Wednesday, February 23, 2011

4 Months

I'm not exactly sure what I did with my life 4 months ago, but whatever it was, it was no where near as fun or fulfilling as this. I have spent the last 4 months changing, feeding, bathing, dressing, nurturing, loving, and playing with my daughter. This tiny person that brings so much joy to my life. Has it really been four months already? 1/3 of a year?

Charlotte is quite tickled with herself these days. Reaching for toys, putting things in her mouth, spending time in her Jenny Jump-Up.  She really is a big girl now, didn't you hear? She will be happy to tell you all about it, she has now found her voice.  She is beginning to discover loud and quiet, as well as different sounds and mouth shapes. Maybe we will have a chatterbox on our hands after all.

Apparently I decided that since the rest of my family is bald, I would be better off if I followed suit. No really, all my hair is falling out. "They" say hormones, but these hormones better get back in line ASAP before I look like my husband.

To celebrate Charlotte's 4 month birthday, Jeremy and I are going on our first date.  Charlotte has never had a bottle and I have only been away from her for maybe 3 hours total in her entire life, so this is a BIG deal (mostly for me, I'm sure she won't care)! My very dear friend, and skilled NICU RN (paranoid?) has graciously offered to watch her. Who wouldn't feel comfortable leaving their baby with a nurse? Everything will be fine... (I think if I say it enough, by 5:00 tonight I might be ready to go.)

Here's an exciting turn of events: Charlotte has woken up the last 3 nights starving to death.  Since about 7 weeks old, Charlotte has slept from 7:30-7:30 (give or take an hour) every night, no questions asked.  The last three nights, she has woken up between 2-4, eaten for 10 minutes, then gone straight back to bed. Strange. Growth spurt? But I thought those were 3, 6, 9 months? Who knows. I think tonight I may try a "dream feed" and secretly feed her right before we go to bed; I'll let you know how it goes.

And how the date goes.

If we go.

Or I cry the whole time.

Ready for the snow, boots and all!

Loving her first time in the Jenny Jump-up 

Birthday lunch with Great Grandma, Nan

Snow in our front yard!

Maybe not too amused...

So fun!

Happy Birthday, Nan!

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