Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Piper 2 Months

Piper's second month was very similar to month one. She slept about 85% of the time. The other 15% of her day was spent eating or pooping. Toward the end of the month, she really started to wake up, interact and smile. She is absolutely the sweetest baby. She loves being held, snuggling in the carrier, but she also sleeps well in her bed. She travels well and doesn't seem to mind her car seat. She likes her paci and is starting to find her hands. I'm doing my best to keep her on a eat-sleep-play routine, but it is definitely more challenging with two other big kids to take care of and keep occupied. Luckily, she is about as mellow as they come. She will sleep anywhere, through any amount of noise. She nurses well (and quickly). It is just so much fun to have a baby in the house again, she brings so much joy to all of us! 

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