Tuesday, February 26, 2013


A wave of sentiment hit me hard today.

My baby boy, my newborn squish turned 7 months old and started eating food. This was a difficult milestone for me with Charlotte, and seems almost more difficult this time around. Though he has only eaten mere bites, this is the first step toward weaning. And not just from breastmilk, but from me. Food symbolizes his very first step toward independence. For the past 16 months, from those tiny 2 cells to the 16 pound boy he is today, Ryder has been completely dependent on me. In no way do I want to hinder or impede his journey toward independence, or any of my kids for that matter, I just wish I could slow the clock down. I want to taste and smell and memorize every moment. Savor the blessing of babies.

As my heart wrestled these sappy feelings of overwhelming love for my babies, Jeremy decided to cap off the evening by serenading Charlotte with this:

And the tears wouldn't stop flowing. 


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