Friday, November 25, 2011


Over the past year, my understanding of gratitude has deepened beyond my what I knew to be possible.

Never before did I find myself, with any kind of frequency, stopping throughout the day, and giving thanks to God. Now it is the constant stream of conversation.

Thankful for my incredible husband. Who works tirelessly all day, only to come home and continue working. Who makes his family his priority, even when his personal time gets lost in the shuffle. Who loves, supports, comforts, entertains, and provides for me.

Thankful for my beautiful daughter. Who has shown me a glimpse of the depth of God's love for us. Who makes me laugh daily. Who challenges my inner strength, patience, love, and dependence on God.

Thankful for my family and friends. Who are "the village" I need to help raise my daughter. I am so glad we live and breathe community.

Give Thanks. Absolutely.


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