Monday, November 8, 2010

2 Weeks

Dear Charlotte Grace,

It was 2 weeks ago today that we walked through the doors of our home and started our new life with you. Every second has been a treasure and a blessing. You are the most beautiful, wonderful, sweet baby in the world and I fall so deeply in love with you every day.

These have been a busy 2 weeks, full of visitors anxious to hold and love you. We aren't quite into our "normal" yet, but we are getting there. It has been so wonderful to have so many people want to shower you with love and affection. You soak up every minute and absolutely love to be held.

You are such a content baby. You eat great, sleep hard, and hardly ever cry. I couldn't be more blessed! You are starting to wake up a little more each day. I love to hold you and talk to you during these times, I feel like we are getting to know each other. You look so intently into my eyes and it absolutely melts my heart. I don't think I would ever put you down if I had my druthers.

Your dad and I love having you in our family. Whenever he is home, he takes over your care. He loves to change your diaper and snuggle with you. You love to sit and listen to him play music or snuggle up under his chin. He kissed you last night and you gave him the biggest smile we have seen yet. I think he almost cried :)

We thank God for entrusting us with your precious life. We pray daily for you and we promise to do our best to show you the love of Christ. We are so blessed to have you here and we will cherish every minute with you. You are such a miracle.

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