Again, a huge "thank you" to those who have helped make this dream a reality for us.
The front of the house the first day we saw it:

Before: Master Bath

After: Master Bedroom

Before: Kitchen

After: Kitchen

Before: Living Room

After: Living Room

Before: Bedroom #3

After: Temporary "Den"

Before: New Barstool

After: New Barstool

Before: Rieber

A Definite "I told you so" from Jer to me...

Thanks for checking in, we would love for you all to come see the house in person, call anytime!
Also, we have a land line now, the number is 241-2393.
Much Love!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! You guys did SUCH a great job!!! Your house looks like a home!! I especially like the before and after shots of Rieber... Definite improvement:)
OMG Kelly, you are hilarious! I was laughing my butt off reading about your "adventures"! LOL! On a serious note, you two have done an AMAZING job on your home. It is BEAUTIFUL! My mouth was agape the entire time I was looking thru pics! You should be on HGTV!! I can't wait to see it!
I love the stools!! Great fabric! Looking good!!
Ok, so my favorite picture was the last one. You know, the "Jer told me so ...". LOL. I love it. The house is looking great, btw.
Also, thanks for linking my web page in here! I feel so official now :-)
Wow, your pad looks great! Did you know 440 is revamped as well? James and Liz totally renovated the kitchen and living room area. It actually looks like a "home" than 4 guys living in an apartment.
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