Aahhh.. only one more post before his birthday! Stop it!
I just reread his 9 month post, and I'd say it is still a pretty accurate description of our sweet little guy. Busy, constantly trying to kill himself, eats anything he's not supposed to, won't eat the things we want him to, loves to nurse, sleeps pretty well, happy and easy going.
He had quite a few set backs, or interruptions, this month. A new tooth that absolutely tortured him as it popped through, an almost 2 week trip to Arkansas (blog on the trip to follow), his first airplane ride, and sharing a room with the whole family. Things have settled back into normal now and he is readjusting well, but we have an incredibly busy summer ahead of us!
This month he learned how to wave and clap (almost). He doesn't have many words, mostly "dada" and sometimes "nana". He might have said "mama" once or twice, but never on command. He also loves to say "agh" and kind of shake his arms. Hard to describe, but really cute.
I can't even remember our family without Ryder. He is such an incredible blessing and brings constant joy to this house. We love you, sweet little Ryderman, thank you for joining us!
Stay tuned for the following:
Arkansas 2013
Charlotte 2.5
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