This past week has been a fun one. Charlotte is starting to have more and more wake time and during that wake time, she is all smiles! You just look at this little girl and her whole face lights up with joy. She found her teenie tiny voice and is starting to coo a little bit. She also found her hands and is excited to add them to the list of things that goes in her mouth (Currently limited to mom and paci). Inspired by her cousin's (2 days younger) ability to roll over, I decided I should probably start putting her on the ground every once in a while for tummy time. So far, so good. At first she just face planted, but now she can hold her head up a little bit and look around. There will be no rolling any time soon, but it is a start :) Frankly, I would be happy if she stayed immobile for a year! We took her to the snow for a friend's birthday party. She looked adorable in her snow suit. She mostly slept through the event, but I'm sure she enjoyed herself :) Charlotte is an absolute joy and I love every second I get to spend with her. I have yet to part with her, but Jeremy and I are entertaining the idea of a possible date night next weekend. We'll see.
Love this girl |
In the snow with Dad |
In the snow with Mom |
Playing with her friend Charlie |
My 2 favs |
The same picture we took the day before Charlotte was born |
Pure Joy |
Thanks, Kel. Just great!!!!!
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