It is amazing to see her changing each day. Every morning after she eats, we sit and play in the chair. She is starting to smile and mimic some of my faces now, it is so incredibly precious. She continues to be an absolute angel baby. She is completely content with life. You can do no wrong by her.
Bouncy chair? Sure, that's fun.
Floor jungle gym? Love it!
Hold me and talk to me? Absolutely!
Wrap me up and take a nap? Anytime!
Sleep 4-6 hours at night? Of course!
She is so sweet and gentle. I have been told by Jeremy's family that she inherited his temperament. From what I've been told, she sure didn't get mine! I continue to fall more and more in love with her every day.
Charlotte's First Thanksgiving:
In the morning we spent some time working around the house. Jeremy has been making great progress on the family room, putting up all the trim work. We are so close to finishing that room! At 2:00 we headed over to Jeremy's Aunt and Uncle's house for a big family Thanksgiving meal. Charlotte had her Thanksgiving dress on and looked adorable! She was wide awake and spent the afternoon talking to all the family. She got to meet her great grandparents for the first time which was very exciting. By the time we were ready for dinner, she was ready for a nap. She very sweetly slept in a basket next to me while I enjoyed an incredible feast with the family. After dinner we headed over to my parent's house for some dessert. All the family was still there and we enjoyed spending some time with them. Charlotte was pretty worn out at this point and mostly slept.
We got home and put her to bed.
Her first holiday ever. Our first holiday as a family. What a blessed day. We have more to be thankful for than ever before. More than we could ever name.
My Thanksgiving Dress |
Meeting Great Grandma |
Tired after a long, exciting day |
Charlotte's First Snow:
Saturday after Thanksgiving we loaded up the car and headed to McCloud to spend the day in the snow. It was snowing 8 miles north of Redding, and continued to snow the whole drive. Charlotte slept the entire car ride. I, however, was a nervous wreck. Jeremy is a fantastic driver, the Highlander has great tires and 4 wheel drive. There was no reason for me to be so nervous; but maybe having my baby girl in the backseat, or postpartum hormones, or a combination of both, put me over the edge. Luckily, I have an extremely patient husband who drove like a snail and stayed a mile away from any other vehicle just to placate his irrational wife. We made it safely to the snow and spent the day enjoying the fire and the beauty of the winter wonderland. We of course had to be obnoxious parents and put Charlotte in her snow suit and take a million pictures of her. Why else do you take a newborn to the snow? It was a wonderful first trip, with many many more to come. We know that Charlotte (and her siblings) will love spending weekends up there. Snowboarding, hiking, fishing, swimming. The fun is endless and we are so thankful that she will have that as a second home.
And a few more pictures from the week, just because she is so cute!
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