Rolls of Tape: 10
Paint Rollers: 15
Hours painting: Thousands
Being finished: Priceless!
This week we made so much progress around the house. It is starting to feel like a real home! Thanks to the undying and invaluable help of my Mother-in-law Deb and devoted Mom, the painting is completely finished!! (well, 99%) We even moved furniture into the master bedroom. It felt so good to finally see the fruits of our labor.
One of the painting task/projects was to take off the mirrored glass closet doors and paint them chrome. I was feeling rather ambitious one morning and decided to tackle this on my own. I was feeling so proud of myself as a lugged these heavy doors to my pre-made painting area on the front porch. "Jer is going to be so impressed when he sees how hard I worked today!"
I got both doors and the top and bottom tracks outside and was ready to start painting. As I went to put the door on the saw horse, the border slipped off and the door landed on my foot...
The floors are getting trashed, but a little elbow grease fixes that right up. We spent a lot of time on our hands and knees scrapping things like mortar and gum off the floor.
In the kitchen, Jer finished drywalling, we had a really great guy named Adam come out and tape and texture the new walls over the weekend and we painted on Tuesday. That means, the kitchen is READY FOR CABINETS!!! In less than 2 weeks, we will have a fully functional kitchen. Pretty hard to believe!
My mom, not only the brains behind this whole thing, an excellent painter as well!!
Even Dave lent a hand holding up drywall! A true family affair!
We installed new doors in the back of the house, which is not an easy task. Jer and I managed to get the door in and level, but turns out Lowes' doors actually need to be hung not-level in order to close them. Our carpenter was able to fix it for us in about 5 minutes (after we had spent about 3 hours trying to get it level)
In the dining area, we cut a giant hole in the wall for a built-in-bookcase. We were thinking the hole is rather convenient, maybe we'll just leave it.
So we have a very exciting week ahead of us!! Stop by anytime to see the progress for yourself!
Look at you go! It looks GREAT!!
looks awesome :)
You guys are CHAMPIONS!!! Well done!!! It looks like a house!
More posts!! Miss you Kel, I'm going to be calling you guys tomorrow, but in the mean time more posts so that I can keep up with all that is new with you guys :)
Miss you both!!
Interesting to know.
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