Friday, November 6, 2015

Piper 7 Months

7 months old already?!?  This was a big month for you, you finally started sleep completely unswaddled! Of all three kids, you held onto that swaddle the longest, but in the last few weeks I have been able to put you down to bed with just your tagged and you roll over and go to sleep. You have definitely turned into a tummy sleeper. Bedtime is a breeze now. I just feed you and put you in your crib. Sometimes you want one little snack around 9 or 10 but otherwise you are out for the night. I feed you once or twice and you always go straight back to sleep.  You take 2 naps a day and never fight sleep.

You are always always happy. Smiling and laughing at everyone and everything.

Last week I started letting you taste food. The first few days your were not impressed, but it didn't take long for you to figure things out. You are liking bananas, yogurt, puffs, green beans, squash. So far everything is pretty acceptable.

You make this insanely adorable face when trying to swallow. You scrunch your eyes close and making this hissing/gagging sound. Hard to describe, but so cute and funny. I got some video of it. We were laughing so hard at dinner the other night. I think you realized we were laughing at you and you just kept doing it.

We dragged you to CO and back this month and you were such a rockstar. Slept on every flight, never cried once, just the easiest baby ever. It took you a solid week once we got home to adjust back to normal though.

We went trick or treating and you were the cutest little strawberry I ever did see.

You started doing this adorable scrunchy nose smile.... so cute.

Piper 6 Months

A very merry unbirthday, to you!

I can't believe you are 6 months old already! I just barely blinked.

You are unbelievably sweet. Your little personality is starting to show up, and we absolutely love it!

You can sit up all by yourself now! You love to sit and play with toys and watch your siblings.
Bedtime is getting SOOO much better. You still enjoy cluster feeding right before bed, but it usually only lasts about 30 minutes or so and then you are down for the count. I usually feed you once or twice in the night. Once your tummy is full, you go right back to sleep. I have tried several times to get you to sleep unswaddled, but you just aren't quite there. Hopefully this coming month will be the month!

You are laughing and smiling and giggling now. You love to play with your siblings, you are super ticklish, and you love people. You smile at anyone that makes eye contact with you. You strain your neck to look at the faces of every person in the room. You are so social.

You have rolled over once or twice, but haven't figured it out as a mode of transportation.

You weigh 13 lbs 10 oz.

I think I say it every month, but we absolutely love having a baby in the house. You bring so much joy and love to our family.