Ryder is 14 months old today. Is that still a baby? What defines baby? He's the youngest person in our house, so still my baby. But man, he feels like such a big boy lately.
I'm sure he has passed the 20 lb mark by now, but don't know that 100%. On our scale, with clothes on, he was 21 lbs. No idea on the height, but suffice it to say he is still little. Though he doesn't look little.
The weather changed this week and I slapped his first pair of jeans on, ever, and immediately started crying. His big boy jeans, his striped shirt, his little sneakers. So. stinkin. cute. I died. Boys are not as fun to dress as little babies, but these toddler clothes are killing me. I'm having so much fun with him.
His personality is starting to explode. He is becoming very communicative. He signs: please, more, all done, eat. He is starting to follow directions (Ryder, go put this in the trash. Ryder, go get your shoes. Ryder, where is Charlotte?)
He is definitely trying to talk, and has some very clear words, and some not-so-clear words. Very clear: mama, dada, "Sha" (Charlotte). Not-so-clear: Ca-ca (cookie), gog (dog), ha-ha (hot) si (outside). He jibber jabbers all the time and tries to sing. Have I mentioned how cute he is?
He is 1000% boy. Conqueror of the slide, master of the trampoline, defeater of all heights. There is no tower too tall, no slide too fast, no feat too dangerous. He seems to feel little pain, and is not easily deterred from risky behavior. Always covered in cuts and bruises, I have a feeling we will be burning through lots of jeans and sneakers.
In juxtaposition, he is the sweetest most snugglie little thing. He loves to sit on your lap and read a book, he likes to be held, loves to be rocked to sleep, will hang out on my back for hours. He is giving intentional kisses, complete with a "mmwwaahhh."
He absolutely adores Charlotte. Follows her everywhere, constantly laughs at her and tries to be just like her. They get along so well and have so much fun playing together. Nothing sweeter.
His first molar just popped through, with the second right behind. That puts him up to 10 teeth.
Shortly after his birthday he had his first haircut. Sealing the coffin of his babyhood. He looks like such a big boy, and so incredibly handsome.
He sleeps from 7:15 to about 6ish, nurses and usually goes back to sleep until 7 or 8. Charlotte and he both take a nap from 1-4ish.
He seems like a picky eater, but we'll see how that develops. He likes yogurt, PB&J sometimes, fruit all the time, and some meats. He nurses 4-5 times a day and despises cow's milk.
He is a joy and a blessing to us all. Between the 2 wild children, we are constantly laughing. Our hearts are full.
We love you sweet Ryderman, thank you for joining our family!