Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ryder 5 Months

It has been 5 months since our sweet Ryderman joined the family. It feels like yesterday, and an eternity all at the same time. What did we even do before he came?

The word that most personifies Ryder is: happy. I think I can honestly say that he is the happiest baby I have ever met. He wakes up smiling and doesn't stop all day. He loves his jumper, his bouncey seat, the highchair (a new adventure) or the floor gym. Charlotte is his favorite thing in the whole wide world, though he is easily entertained by anyone. 

This was an exciting month for him, he learned how to roll over! While definitely not proficient at his new skill, he is getting dangerously close to mobility. NOOOOOO!!!!!

He is a pro at grabbing toys and bringing them to his mouth, and he ALWAYS wants something in his mouth. It is possible that he's teething, based on the chewing and the drool, but he doesn't appear to be uncomfortable, so I don't think their eruption is imminent.

His hair is growing fast! Jer and I were positive we would have all blue-eyed, blonde-haired children, and while his eyes are as blue as could be, his hair is pretty dark. It is so cute and fluffy around his ears, I just want to eat him. 

If you've been following this blog for 2 years, you might remember that we take this approach to introducing solids, and we don't start until 6 months. When Charlotte was 5 months old, I remember feeling like I would never make it, like she was starving and really wanting more food. Not the case at all with Ryder. He has shown no interest in food and seems completely satisfied with the amount of milk he is getting. 

His typical day starts around 7 with a feeding. He then plays for about an hour to an hour and a half, then back down for a nap. Repeat cycle until bedtime. His naps are getting better, but he is still occasionally plagued by the 45 minute intruder during his 3rd nap of the day. Most of the time a paci-reinsertion will get him back to sleep, but not always. He continues to be a breeze to put to sleep. Swaddle him up, give him a kiss, put him down, and he off he drifts to dreamland.  Bedtime is between 6:15 and 6:45. He is often woken up by his crazy sister when we put her to bed at 7:30, but he goes back to sleep easily. From there he sleep until about 2:00 or 3:00, eats for 8 minutes, then sleeps until 7. This week he has been waking up a little early, sometimes going back to sleep, sometimes just starting his day early.  Not sure when or how he is going to drop that night feed, but for now, I really don't mind. He is obviously hungry at that time, and I am back in bed within 10 minutes, so not much to complain about. But it does feel like he will never sleep through the night. 

The thought of weaning him off the swaddle makes me want to throw-up, but now that mobility is imminent, I'm going to have to face my fears and do it. I think the transition is going to be really difficult, but in the end, he will sleep better being able to wiggle around and get comfortable.  Maybe next week... 

Speaking of next week, I officially go back to work next week. I will be teaching another Kaplan class starting next Wednesday. The class is only 3 hours, Charlotte will be sleeping the whole time, and Ryder should sleep a big chunk of it. I'm nervous to leave of course, but I know he will be a good boy! 

We are all overwhelmed with love for this little boy. He brings so much love and joy to this house.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

What a wonderful Christmas we had this year! We have always said, "when we have kids, we want to stay home on Christmas and start our own traditions." Well, this year was the start of many magical at-home Christmases.  Being our first run, I'd say we have a few adjustments to make for next year; but overall, it was so wonderful!

One of the main reasons we moved back to Redding was so our kids could grow up having strong influence from and relationship with their grandparents and family. We are already seeing the deep value in this. For me, Christmas this year illustrated the incredible blessing of living near family. Starting at 9 AM and going until after 2, we had a stream of close family coming by to celebrate the holiday. Our kids were showered with generosity and love; I thought my heart was going to explode.

Jer and I also tried our hand at home-made cinnamon rolls. A 2 day process that definitely paid off. Those will most definitely be a staple at the Pagan Family Christmas from now on.

Some highlight gifts are:
A wagon for both kids
A cash register
Lots of play food
A quiet book
Clothes and shoes
A way-too-real doll stroller
Wee-sing movie (One of my favorites as a kid)
A letter factory

This might be the best Christmas I have ever had. Even though it was a little chaotic, the chaos was joy to my heart.

Christmas takes on a whole new meaning when viewed through the eyes of children.

Pez for breakfast, Merry Christmas!

New baby carrier

Ryderman loving his Uncle Tay

He really just wants to eat her hair for Christmas