12 lbs 1 oz (50th%)
22 inches (25%)
It really is unbelievable how it is possible to love human being as much as you love your child. Then you have another one and you love that one just as much. Miraculous.
Ryder is such a good baby. He is really laid back, will sleep anywhere and through ANYTHING. Literally. Yell in his ear, he doesn't care. He has slept through the night 2 times now, but then went back to waking up once. It is a lot harder to keep him on a consistent routine because our life is much busier now. When I was home with just Charlotte, the world revolved around her nap schedule. Ryder has to deal with napping on the go. Sometimes I feel really guilty about this (because I feel guilty about everything) but then I realize he is happy and growing and well loved. So he doesn't get to nap in his crib all day, life could be a lot worse.
We are starting to get huge smiles from him, which of course completely melts my heart. Charlotte loves to get right in his face and say, "pile brother." (Smile)
I love watching them interact. It's just the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
A few days ago, Ryder was in his bouncy seat on the table and I went in the other room to get my shoes. I hear Charlotte yell, "uh-oh! Brother puke! Brother puke!" I come back into the dining room, and sure enough, there is puke everywhere. On the seat, the table, the floor. He exploded. I asked Charlotte what she did and she said, "I bounced him. Not soft." At least she's honest.
He eats like a champ, clearly. He stays pretty consistent to his 3 hour schedule, with a little 2.5-3.5 hour windows here and there.
He goes to sleep so easily. When he gets tired, he lets out a little "wah." Wrap him up and put him in his cradle and he drifts off to sleep. He will also sleep in the Moby wrap, or just in my arms. So nice to not have a fussy sleeper (yet).
Because everyone needs a headband at breakfast |
One month
Two Months
One Month
Two Months