This could possibly be the last post before Sweet P makes her grand entrance, so I will make it thorough.
Getting ready for this baby has been everything I had hoped for, and more! As most of you know, I have been waiting for this time of my life since I was 2 years old. I have spent hours wandering aimlessly through baby stores with no real purpose or direction. Working with babies and spending all my free time with friend's babies, trying to assuage my overwhelming desire to have one of my own, when the time was right. I have daydreamed about nesting and decorating a nursery; anxiously (and patiently) awaiting the day when it would be necessary for me to purchase, plan, and prepare for the birth of a new baby. When that day finally came, I was in disbelief. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to get to walk into Target and go to the baby section, for a reason! This has been the most fun and exciting time of my life, and the little P isn't even here yet!
Here are all the things we have done to prepare for this miracle. Though not quite finished, I can comfortably say, "we are ready!"
The nursery has been the most dramatic and exciting part of our preparation. The room had been designated the nursery from the day we bough the house. Since no baby was on the way at that time, it was put on the bottom of the list for remodeling. It just sat there, half hard wood floor, half plywood, no window casing, no doors, no furniture. It was a sad site. We put up a curtain and forgot it was even there. After Miss P was viable (yes, I am a NICU nurse) my amazing husband got right to work. He never ceases to amaze me. Here is a list of all the things he has done to make my dream nursery a reality: First, he painted the room, then he installed a gorgeous wainscot (which he built from scratch), installed a ceiling fan (where there was no light or electricity before), painted installed a bedroom door, built and painted closet doors, installed a closet system, cased the windows. A list of tasks accomplished could never adequately describe the amount of work and time he has put into that room. My favorite thing to do each night is sit in the rocking chair and take it all in; every little detail of the nursery, the blankets, toys and clothes that have been generously given to us, the fruits of our labor. My heart is overcome with joy and thankfulness. Thankful for a loving, patient, hard working, talented husband who was able to give me the nursery I always dreamed of, thankful to a loving God who showers us with blessings beyond our comprehension, thankful to my community and family for being a part of our life.
Though I did not participate in building the wainscot, I have been working hard to decorate the nursery also. I have accessorized and decorated every little shelf and wall, paying careful attention to detail. With the "help" (I use those quotes appropriately, because the word help does not even come close to describing what these ladies did for me) of an incredible quilter/seamstress/woman from my church, and a dear friend, I was able to make all her bedding from scratch. We also made basket liners, changing pad covers and burp cloths. It turned out so beautifully. It has been so much fun to watch everything come together. I can't wait to sit in that chair and hold her, I might not ever leave.
Another fun project I have taken on, at the suggestion of great friend and teacher, is "Feeding my Freezer." This entails cooking large quantities of favorite meals and filling up the freezer for the post partum period. It has been a lot of work, but such a blast! I have made over 12 batches of soups, 12 batches of sauces, 5 meatloaves, and still have a long list of meals to prepare! It is such a nice feeling knowing that we will have healthy, delicious meals all ready to go, no prep time needed!
In addition to the big projects, I have really enjoyed the little things. Washing my first load of baby clothes was such an excitement! (I know, just wait) But for now, washing, folding, organizing all her adorable clothes has been such a blast. Putting together the furniture, installing the carseat, packing the bags, it has all been such a joy.
Though I still have a list of things to do, I truly do feel ready for her!
And speaking of ready for her....
Last week I had my 36 week appointment, the first appointment that involves a cervical exam. I have had the easiest pregnancy thus far and was completely expecting him to tell me how happy my little girlie was inside me, way high with a thick closed cervix. Mentally, I was prepared to go 2 weeks past my due date. Man, was I wrong! After he completed his exam, he shocked me by telling me I was dilated 4 cm, 80% effaced, and her head was at a -1 station (extremely low!). Wow! I scheduled my appointment for the following week and left the office in shock. Nothing too exciting happened over the week (a few goory details that I will pass by) but no major contractions. I went in the following week for my 37 week appointment and he said this to me following the exam, "Let's go ahead and schedule your appointment for next week, just for the fun of it, but I am on call all weekend and will be very surprised if I don't see you." YIKES!
This was Wednesday, and here we are at Friday with nothing changed. It is the most strange feeling, thinking a baby might come out of you at any minute. I told Jeremy that I feel like a hand grenade and someone pulled the pin already. At 37 weeks, she is completely developed and ready for life on the outside, so in normal circumstances I would be thrilled to have her come early. However, as unfortunate luck would have it, both sets of parents are out of town this week. If she could hang on until Friday, she would make for some very happy grandparents! In that light, I have not been having any contractions, so you just never know! At this point, all we can do is hold our grenade and wait for it to explode!
I will now check "write final blog" off my list of things to do in preparation for baby. Should she decide to hang out in there a few more weeks, I will add one last addendum. How strange to think the next post will be her birth story.
Sweet P, we are so thrilled to meet you. We are praying you come out safely and healthy. If you would like to wait until next Friday, your grandparents will be very happy, but if you are too excited to join this family, we will welcome you with joy and thanksgiving. We love you unconditionally and can't wait to kiss your sweet cheeks. You are the biggest blessing we have ever received.