July 7, 2007:
The happiest day of my life thus far.
I don't think the day could have been any more perfect, picturesque, or magical. I woke up (well, I wasn't sleeping, but the clock finally gave me permission to get out of bed and get started on the day!) and leisurely headed to breakfast with my favorite four women on earth. As I forced down some scrambled eggs, I felt as though I was in a dream. Was I seriously getting married to my prince charming, today? After 6 years of waiting, hoping, planing, the day was finally here? It seemed completely impossible to believe.
After breakfast we headed over to the location of the wedding. Playing cards, snacking, and laughing, we enjoyed the beautiful weather and I basked in the thought that in 6 hours I would make a promise to the man of my dreams: to stand by him, love and support him the rest of our lives.
We took our time getting ready, enjoying the company and relishing every second of this day, the day I had been waiting for. And then the moment finally came. Standing inside, dressed and ready, I could see the guests arriving through the window, my heart must have been beating 200 times a minute. Everyone was seated, the music started, I took my father's arm and began the most important 3 minute walk of my life.
The ceremony was beyond my wildest dreams. I am not a crier, I am not easily moved to tears by any situation. To be honest, I was a little worried I wouldn't cry during the ceremony and people would think I was heartless. Well, Jeremy quickly laid my fears to rest and I turned into a water works fest the second I saw him.
My dad gave the most moving "giving away" speech I have ever heard, Ryan spoke of God's intention for marriage and the model He gave us in Jesus, Jeremy sang a song he had written that had the entire audience crying, we exchanged hand-written vows, took communion as a married couple, and sealed the deal with a kiss! AMAZING!
The reception was a blast! Good food, lots of dancing and visiting, a constant feeling of euphoria.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the most memorable and magical day of my life. I will never forget it.
After a high like that, I thought anything to follow would be a disappointment, but I was wrong! Jeremy and I flew to Jamaica (following a family golf tournament) and had the best honeymoon anyone could ask for! Unlimited food, drinks, activities, etc.! It was heavenly!

Our first year of marriage was spent in Sacramento. Learning how to live together as a married couple went rather smoothly. Jeremy attending UC Davis full-time, taught as a TA, and worked a part-time job at the Sacramento office of his current employer (NMR). I worked in the NICU at UC Davis full time and expanded my skills in the kitchen. Looking back at that first year I have nothing but positive memories. Our house was adorable, we rode our bikes all over the city, went on small trips to South Lake Tahoe, and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with eachother. We had our first holiday season together, our first set of brithdays together, and our first March Madness together.

After Jeremy finished his Master's, we decided to move home. Almost 6 years away from Redding was plenty, and we wanted to get back to the town we knew and loved! We were fortunate to find a fixer-uper in downtown Redding and we embarked on restoration project that will take us years to complete.

It is incredible to reflect on all that has occured over the past 2 years; all that we have accomplished, all that we have to remember. I am so thankful to have found my prince charming and I feel so blessed that he chose to love me for the rest of my life. God is so good!
If the first two years have been this amazing, I can't begin to imagine what the next 50 hold!
Jeremy, thank you for being an amazing husband. Striving to love me with the perfect love of Christ, and showing me everyday that I am His creation. I could not be more thankful for you and I promise to respect and support you the rest of my life.