Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome Abbey!!

I know there has been a long stretch of silence from the Pagan blog, but to be honest, the household happenings have slowed significantly. However, I do have the most exciting update to share, we have a new family member!!

Meet Abigail Pagan, "Abbey." My birthday present from Jeremy. She is a pure bred Golden Retriever, currently 3 weeks old and will come home to us in 3 weeks.

I'm sure you will all want to come visit her, feel free to do so! She comes home Sunday, Nov. 16th.

I will hopefully go visit her a few more times this week and post more pictures of her!

In other news, for those who have not heard, I no longer work at the UC Davis Children's Hospital. I was offered a full-time position in the NICU at Mercy here in Redding and I jumped on it! No more long commutes every week! Woo-hoo! Also, this means much more free time to hang out with all of you!